One must go to one's house to begin learning


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On the 8th of March, 2013, the upper primary (grade 4-6) and the Junior High ( grade 7-9) had a field trip to the Akosombo Dam and also the Tema township where a lot of Ghana’s industries are located. We have the Tema Oil Refinery, GACHEM, VALCO etc.


6 responses

  1. Wow what wonderful images I will post this to my blog. Was this an excursion? Could you tell me some more about the images, where you went and what was the reason for the visit?
    Mrs Joyce

    March 17, 2013 at 2:12 am

    • Hello Mrs. Joyce,
      Thank you so much. This was an excursion that we took to the Akosombo Dam in Ghana. This excursion was one of our schools Educational Tour to help both students and teachers to learn more. On Our way back home we also passed the Tema Township were most of Ghanaians big Companies are located and over the we have the Tema Oil Refinery, GACEM (The leading Cement producing factory in Ghana)

      March 17, 2013 at 4:12 am

  2. Reblogged this on 56J Our Classroom and commented:
    The students of Ghana participate in an excursion. I have asked Mr Felix for some more information so we can learn more about where in Ghana these pictures were taken.

    March 17, 2013 at 2:42 am

  3. Heidie

    Wow! You have alot of students that attended that excursion. It seems interesting. When im older im going to travel to all of these countries when im older including Ghana. I might use that as a destanation in mytravels. But its long way to go yet, im only 10 turning 11 on the 21st of March. If I have a chance I WILL.

    March 18, 2013 at 7:21 am

  4. Kayleigh :-)

    Hello Mr Tu,
    Wow, everyone looks like they are a having a fantastic trip. Where did you go? How many people/students went? I am turning 11 in december 13/12/2002! I hope they had a fantastic time there. I hope it was a day to remember! I wish you a fantastic time and talk to you later!

    March 20, 2013 at 1:59 am

  5. Nice to see all these students on an excursion to a place of interest.
    You will be welcome either to either blog on WordPress or to our projects on Iearn, also linked on the blog.
    Best from France

    April 24, 2013 at 1:15 pm

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